

Andrew Greet from Quality Chess suggested a ”Positional Woodpecker”, and while visiting France in April and May I tried it out by solving the excersises in Positional and Strategic Play (Jacob Aagaard) three times each. Afterwards I made my life's best tournament in Sigeman & Co.
   Without beeing a statistician, I understand that it doesn't prove anything, and indeed there are several other explanations. One thing I like a lot with Sigeman & Co is that they use a long time control that is very seldom seen nowadays.
   But I enjoyed what I did and will continue experimenting. Compared to the normal Woodpecker you understand the solutions conceptually and thus remember most/all of them when it's time for the second loop.
   Actually I noticed that a Swedish trainer offers his students to visit him and work with the Woodpecker method. And he has himself improved while working with a loop of 2700 exercises. Maybe he is in for the competition!?

In France I met one person who had read my book, and has made his conclusion.
   ”You have convinced me that I am a mumie. And I prefer that!”

I understand him very well! One day I also want to me a mumie, but now I focus on the preparations for Visma Chess (June), XtraCon (September) and Køge (October). I hope I avoid being mated at the same way as in the Whitsun Grandmasters last week [see the diagram]. The game won a beauty prize, and as the loser I got a book - Calculation. I would rather have read it before the game!

Something I am really looking forward to is two interesting assignments as a coach. The first is coaching Guernsey in the Olympiad (August). Opponents: be aware!

Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns when it comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates and pupils to grandmaster norms and titles. Hard work will be required, but Axel Smith knows how you can Pump Up Your Rating.

Every area of chess is covered - opening preparation, through middlegame play, to endgame technique. Smith delves into both the technical and psychological sides of chess, and shows how best to practise and improve.

International Master Axel Smith from Sweden has had great success as a coach. Using his methods on himself, in the space of two years he boosted his rating from 2093 to 2458. He is now closing in on the Grandmaster title

ISBN: 978-1-907982-73-6 - Released September 2013