
På andra sidan väggen (Parus förlag, 2018, in Swedish) är en repor­tage­bok om fantastiska idrotts­prestationer, livet, hälsan, och vägen tillbaka efter ett utmattnings­syndrom. I boken möter du höjdhopparen Linus Thörnblad, triathleten Clas Björling, bandyspelaren Magnus Muhrén, kanotisten Tom Krantz, schackspelaren Ulf Andersson, löparen Johan Larsson och cyklisterna Christian Bertilsson och Marcus Streijffert.

Rolf Martens (Schackstudion, 2022, in Swedish) är berättelsen om en svensk schacklegendar som vann SM 1967 efter rekordsnabbt spel och vid årsskiftet tog den första svenska inteckningen i IM-titeln. Några år senare hade han lagt av för att ägna sig åt politisk aktivism på yttersta vänsterkanten. När schacklusten återvände grundade han den ultrahypermoderna motangreppsskolan och har gett upphov till fler öppningar än kanske någon annan spelare i historien.

Pump Up Your Rating (Quality Chess, 2013) won ChessCafe's Book of the Year Award. The first part covers thinking techniques in chess and the second how to become your own chess coach. Reviews at the (closed) Pump Up-blog.

e3 Poison - a 21t century opening repertoire (Quality Chess, 2017) is an opening repertoire for White with focus on understanding rather than concrete lines. Many strong players uses the innocent-looking move: Magnus Carlsen, Alexander Grischuk, Vladimir Kramnik.

The Woodpecker Method (Quality Chess, 2018) explains the technique that GM Hans Tikkanen invented to improve his tactical skill (+130 elo and 3 GM-norms in a few months). The method has since worked well for many others, however requires a lot of work.

Street Smart Chess (Quality Chess, 2021) is an expert guide to scoring more points at the chessboard. When does it pay off to play hard for a win? Or safe for a draw? And how do you adapt your playing style accordingly? The book answers these questions, and more, by using a world-class player as a model for each chapter. Learn how Magnus Carlsen grinds out wins from level positions; how David Navara beats lower-rated opponents, and how Baskaran Adhiban beats higher-rated ones!

Black & White Magic (Quality Chess, 2023) argues that understanding colour-complex strategies is one of the key differences between strong and weak players. Colour complexes are broken down into various sub-topics such as blockades, opposite-coloured bishops and exchange sacrifices, with carefully chosen exercises to test and reinforce the reader’s newfound understanding.

Woodpecker II (Quality Chess, 2024) contains 1000 positional exercises and solutions, along with detailed guidance on how to gain maximal benefit from the training. All exercises have been checked and rechecked using the latest engines, as well as a panel of test solvers for valuable human feedback. Among the test solvers was GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov, who ascended to 4th in the world rankings after working through the exercises.

During ten years, my main work was being editor for Tidskrift för Schack, with four issues per year.
I also write a short weekly column for Göteborgposten and a few dozen other newspapers.

The novel Stormästarna (The Grandmasters) was published by Lunds University as a part of a two year course in creative writing. For the moment, it bides its time.